How to name your app

Before you choose to build an app, you first have to know precisely what the app will do and what it will be called. Here are a few steps to help you name the app.

1. Be authentic

Make sure your app name doesn’t sound too close to an already popular app. Also, do your homework and search for any kind of resemblance to your chosen name, as there might be apps that sound the same but do something totally different.

2. Make it relevant and easy to pronounce

The app name should relate to what it does. Think of a name that would best describe the app and then make it easy for users to remember and pronounce.

3. Use the sentence or the camel-case

Most of the trusted apps use either sentence-case (ex: Shoot the Ducks) or camel-case ex: DuckShooter). Although it may look good to differentiate  from the others and start it with a lowercase letter or write it all in caps, people tend not to trust uncommon styles.

4. Stick to short names

Short and concise is a good way to name an app. Long names are difficult to read and won’t look nice in the user’s collection of apps. Best to keep it under 11 characters.

5. Use name generators

If you’re stuck and out of ideas you may use an online name generator like or It’s always a kick-starter for new directions.

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