How to earn money from a blog

This question may be older than the blog concept. There are a lot of old and deprecated answers but also new opportunities emerging. If you think “selling” your blog or your writing talent is in any way evil, immoral, unethical, uncool, lame or greedy, then don’t sell it. What follows is only a quick summary of income streams from blogging.

Put ads on your own blog or blogs

If your blog drives enough traffic, why not monetize that traffic? Google AdSense is one idea. Selling your ad space is another. It gets better if you are an authority in your niche and top players in that niche bet on your expertise.

Get a blogging job

A blogging job is more than writing content. It will include: analytics, promotion, branding and Social media promotion.

Sponsored reviews

Write reviews about the products or websites of advertisers. It really pays up when you became an authority in a certain niche. Never fool your readers though.

Ask for donations

Writing good quality content allows you to ask for donations. People will also donate to causes they believe in, so adding a donate button linked to your PayPal account may prove a good idea.

Use a paid subscription program

If you are an authority in your niche or you have a special talent for writing, set a small fee for your subscribers to keep viewing your content.

Sell products via affiliate ads

Affiliate ads or links essentially allows you to list another company’s products on your page and earn a commission for any sales that go through your site. You can also use contextual advertising for those links.

Product creation

When you write for a certain niche, you’ll come across certain needs and problems in your niche. Try and solve that problem or solve the need. You can also provide a better solution that the ones on the market.

Sell your own products on your blog

Are you good at something? Do you craft stuff? Maybe you make beautiful hand-made bracelets and earrings. Build a custom blog and start selling your products online.

Use the blog promote your business

In SEO terms, a blog will certainly improves your website’s search engine ranking. This happens because your website gets updated more often more website link to your domain. In Marketing terms it means keeping in touch with your clients, showing them what’s new and answering their questions.

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