Real Estate makes more money on mobile than on desktop

A recent interview with the CEO of leading real estate search website Zillow, Spencer Rascoff, revealed the fact that Real Estate is also one of the many industries directly “affected” by the huge move towards mobile use thus creating a profitable market for mobile application development.

Analytics say that last quarter was the first time that more properties were viewed on Zillow through mobile devices than from a desktop computer.  Zillow is not by far the only company experiencing this shift, but their huge advantage is the fact that they have the immediate ability to make more money because of the shift.

“ We’ve tipped toward mobile in usage and that’s really quite startling and new for us, since just last quarter… We have welcomed it with open arms because this is a great boom to the business, and a catalyst that frankly has dramatically propelled our financial results. A user of Zillow on a smartphone for example, or a mobile device, is three times more likely to contact a subscribing premier agent, [which is] one of our advertisers, than a user of Zillow on a desktop  So, we actually monetize in terms of contacts per visitor quite a bit better on smartphones or on mobile devices than on desktop.

So, this is a great trend for us and we welcome it… most other companies aren’t so lucky.”

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