Facebook News Feed ranking now takes video actions into account.
Yes, you read that right. The News Feed is supposed to show you the information and stories that matter most to you. As part of Facebook’s ongoing effort to improve News Feed, people were asked to rate their experience and tell Facebook how the content can be improved.
Many times, people don’t really want to like, comment or share a post, even if the post is meaningful to them. So certain actions people take on a video, like choosing to turn on the sound or making the video full screen, represent signs that they wanted to see that video, even if they didn’t press the like button.
The News Feed ranking update takes into account these actions to help people see more of the videos they care about and fewer of the videos they don’t.
Previous updates to News Feed took into account if someone has watched a video and for how long they watched it, so people who tend to watch videos in News Feed will see more videos higher up in their News Feed, and people who watch fewer videos will see videos further down. With this new update, people will see more videos similar to their preferences, and fewer of the videos they didn’t enjoy before.
So if you turn the volume up or make the video full screen, the News Feed is updated to show you similar videos higher up in your News Feed.
The update started rolling out and will continue to do so over the coming weeks.